Imagine if you could embark on a brand new career of living your purpose by advocating for and promoting freedom and peace for children and families worldwide...
Hi, my name is Dayna Martin...
The truth is
I never envisioned myself as a “radical” or “natural” mother...

...but giving birth to my children brought me to a new level of awareness about life that I had never thought about before.
The more I tuned into my instinctual voice and my children’s needs, the more I evolved and rejected the modern, traditional system of not only parenting, but life itself.
You may be wondering how it all began for me...
Being an advocate for our unique and controversial lives was something I never planned on being. In fact, I was the last person that you would have ever guessed could speak out for a cause of any kind.
I was shy and insecure growing up; I was bullied and was never with the popular crowd; I came from a broken home as many children did in the 1970’s.

Dayna Martin, Age 15

I went to college at age 24 and went for Early Childhood Education. College gave me incredible confidence and I began growing as a woman. It was a time in my life that I found to be incredibly empowering and I began changing.
While I was still in college, I became pregnant with my first child, Devin...
I gave birth to him in 1999 and shortly after his birth the nurses turned on the TV and the Columbine Shootings were happening live in Columbine, Colorado, USA. I couldn’t believe what I was watching! Parents outside of the school crying and petrified at what was going on inside.
You could hear gunshots and see teens jumping out of windows to try and escape the horror inside...
The gunmen were two, twelfth grade students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. They murdered 12 students and one teacher.
It was the first of its kind of horror in the USA, but not the last. I was witnessing one of the most important and powerful historical events in human history and it was happening at the very time I brought forth life.
My child was in my arms and I was witnessing something that was going terribly wrong in what was being done to children in our culture.
Forced schooling, forced medicating, authoritarian control and the very real and nightmarish results of no-one listening to what young people were saying.
Now was the time my purpose was born as an advocate for children of the world.

In the years to come, I had three more children and with two boys and two girls, my life felt complete. We were all traveling, and advocacy was part of our lives. Some people loved us and some hated us.
We became local celebrities and started a YouTube channel that was picked up by Maker Disney...
We were being seen by millions of people and deeply touching the lives of everyone who opened their mind long enough to see the results of our lives through our videos and TV appearances.
We were on the Jeff Probst Show, 60 Minutes, Nightline, the Bethenny Show, Fox News and ABC’s hit show, Wife Swap, to name a few...
I was flying back and forth to LA regularly for TV shows. National and international TV crews were at our home regularly for special interest stories. Our lives had become exciting and challenging!
My children learned so much through the process of it all as they became the poster-children for Unschooling and peaceful parenting.

© Joe Martin Photography
I set out on a journey that had never been walked by anyone before...

Photo Credit Judd Weiss
I had no mentors, or people to help me along the way. I was walking the road less travelled with my children by my side, while educating and supporting others through online forums, radio and TV interviews every few days.
I was being invited to events and conferences all over the world. It was a life that I was sharing on the world’s stage and it was one that was filled with joys, challenges and opportunities for my children to see the world and for me to expand and grow as a human being on every level.
When you grow as a person and learn through your children, you can’t help but change. Giving my children the freedom and respect they deserved, led me to finally see that I wanted more respect, peace and freedom as well.
Divorce was never anything I wanted for myself or my children, but I know that I deserved the same love and kindness that I was promoting for children.
I finally had the courage to be radically honest...
I began a journey of self-discovery. I started doing yoga daily and worked with some powerful wayseers and healers. My inner journey of self-growth was a painful one as I let go of more and more that didn’t serve me anymore in my journey of personal evolution.

Asking for a divorce was one of the most difficult and scary things that I have ever done...

...but I knew that the only way to move forward was to let go of fear of the unknown, be brave and take the steps necessary to create the life that I truly wanted and deserved!
Much to my surprise, my children navigated it all very well. I learned that because I had raised them with the solid foundation of trust and connection between us, the typical challenges for children through divorce didn’t have to be part of their experience.
I was so grateful that I finally was able to live in truth and the charade was over. I learned to be honest with myself and in turn, my children and the world.
Today, I live in a beautiful home in Miami, Florida. I’ve learned many ways to make money doing what I love and advocating for peace, freedom and respect for children and for ourselves.
I’ve brought the world on a journey with me and through doing so, I’ve inspired thousands of families worldwide to change their lives. I’ve reached a point in my work where the level of need for what I offer others has far exceeded what I can do alone.
This is where you come in!
We are at a time in human history where people are truly waking up!
Children’s rights are next on the human rights agenda and the time is now to be part of it all.
If you are reading this, you have a calling within you. You feel you have great purpose and you want something more for your life and the lives of your children. The road to freedom and abundance is in front of you now.
Join Dayna's 12-Month Professional Advocacy
& Coaching Program
My Professional Advocate & Coaching Program helps passionate and driven individuals who wish to make advocating for children's rights their career.
This professional advocate program gives you the opportunity to be my protege for a full year of training with the tools and steps necessary to become known in your chosen branch of advocacy that you are called to.
I will show you how to get there, step by step, and what it takes to begin living this new and exciting chapter in your life of making money and traveling by doing what you love.
I believe that balance is the key to your most powerful dreams and goals becoming a reality and helping you find balance for the greatest level of success that you can reach is important on your personal journey.
When you complete my program you will have gained immense self-confidence through projects for healing past trauma, writing assignments to help you discover their unique strengths, video projects to help you see where you need work and where you naturally shine and excel, and many other sources of education, training and personal growth.
Who This Is For
This program is a perfect fit for you if...
How did you feel when reading about this program? Did it create a desire within you that you've never felt before? Did you feel that it was something speaking to your heart and soul? Did you feel like it was a path you've been searching for?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, book a 15-minute meeting with me. Let's find a way to help you pursue your passion.
There is no better time than now...
Learn Nine Powerful Ways To Advocate Professionally
Through YouTube channels, live streaming and Television programs
Through blogging, writing for magazines, newspapers and authoring books
Through building community through organizing conferences, meetups and offering classes
Via in person and online. Living out loud on social media and sharing your unique lives as a family, publicly
By starting non-profit organizations and offering free workshops at local libraries or community centres
By becoming a speaker at regional or international conferences and events
Through interviews for radio, podcasts, and guest blogs
Through becoming a peaceful parenting/Unschooling one-on-one coach or by offering group coaching
Through mastering the Art of Self-Promotion
Learn What Took Me 20+ Years To Learn in Only ONE YEAR!
You will be learning what took me over 20 years to learn through trial and error in only ONE YEAR! This is an incredible opportunity to work with me to expand the message of freedom and rights for children, and peace for families worldwide. There will never be a greater time that you are needed as an advocate for something you believe so passionately in.
This is the first of it’s kind opportunity that I am extending to a handful of people who I choose to work with one-on-one. I will be sharing my secrets and powerful tools to help shift the world, while creating opportunities in your life to grow and help others. Depending on how much effort you put into it you can make a very good living so you can live the life of your dreams, just like I am.

Photo Credit Judd Weiss
YOU are no different than me. I’m just an ordinary person who took extraordinary risks, but you don’t have to. I’ve done all of that for you and this is the opportunity and gift that I’m giving you now.
Will you join me as I take this message to the world in a way that will spread like wildfire?
The time is now and you have come so far in your own life. You are ready to open the door for a richer, more fulfilling life. You deserve to have more peace and more purpose.
The time has never been more perfect to open this new door and take life into your own hands and create the life you deserve. I’m ready to start this journey with you!
Ten Top Benefits of Becoming a Professional Advocate
- 1Empower other parents to raise their children in the best possible ways
- 2Spend more time with your family by creating multiple income streams to create financial security and freedom
- 3Travel the world and be able to live anywhere you want by creating a location-independent lifestyle
- 4Feel fulfilled every day by doing what you love and are passionate about
- 5Raise human consciousness by fulfilling your soul purpose to help others learn what you’ve learned about children’s rights and the freedom and respect all young people deserve
- 6Model a new paradigm of happiness and success to your children through your focused dedication to your work doing something you love
- 7Become known as an influential leader in the Unschooling & peaceful parenting community
- 8Gain valuable skills to help you continue to evolve and expand as a human being each and every month
- 9Embark on a life-changing new chapter in your life journey towards more success, happiness, peace & freedom.
- 10Become a more confident communicator by learning how to deliver your message with power
"I Have Been Interviewed on Two Major TV Network Shows..."
"Before I met Dayna, I had no idea that peaceful parenting even existed. But once I learned that you could live in freedom and partnership with your children, as is their natural right, our lives changed profoundly. Since joining the ranks of freedom families, I have become a passionate advocate of this way of life.
With Dayna as my mentor, I have been interviewed on two major television network shows, been featured in the Sunday Times magazine Stella, and am regularly called upon as a guest expert on a BBC lunchtime radio talk show.
Dayna is a passionate advocate and coach, who will not only help you to feel stronger within yourself, but who will guide you to solidify your message so you become confident and articulate in what you have to say."
- Kim Constable, The Sculpted Vegan
Join Me For Twelve Months of Transformation

Month One
Learning From Your Past, Embracing Your Present, Creating Your Future
Find what helps and hinders you from your own upbringing. Share about your past in your own way: speaking, poetry, art, music or animation. Focus on how your abuse or trauma brought you to where you are today. What you are grateful for in the painful memories. What you'd like others to learn by what you've been through. We would not be desiring to help and heal others had we not gone through what we have in our lives. Gratitude is the key to a joyous and successful life!
Learn why your parenting journey gives you the gift of contrast or experience in helping others.
Are you a Space-holder, a Wayseer, a Braveheart or a Collective Voice? Discovering your archetype in how you'd like to advocate will help Dayna mentor you in the direction you are meant to be. Maybe you are a combination of archetypes? This self-discovery process will aid you in discovering what you are naturally powerful with and what you need to work on to bring you to a space of being able to experience all you are meant to experience as an advocate and coach.
Month Two
Advocacy Through YouTube & Social Media
Learn the benefits of pitfalls of advocating through YouTube. How your unique and creative side can be used to make you stand out through this medium. Learn the basics of video editing and how you can grow a younger audience through YouTube which can later serve to promote freedom and children’s rights to children and teens for the next generation
Watch the groups videos and share how each made you feel. Were you inspired? Were you moved to tears? Did you laugh? Learn how touching on the emotions of your audience creates trust and connection and how when we do this, our audience becomes our partner in our cause.
Plan, schedule and promote (through social media and email) a Facebook or Instagram Live video. Share what you will be talking about and welcome questions and comments.
Go on LIVE!! Be sure to be mindful of eye contact to the camera, body language and make sure you SMILE! Feel the energy in your body and embrace any nervousness you may have! Remember to be honest, be vulnerable and be real. THIS is where the heart of your advocacy lies… in your uniqueness. You are here to make a difference in this world! Be truly yourself!

Month Three
Advocacy Through TV Programs and the News
Being on the show, Wife Swap taught me a lot about advocacy through television. Learn what it’s like to be on a TV show promoting what you are passionate about and how to work with producers and huge television crews.
Do some research this week and look for Unschooling that has been in the news over the last ten years. Watch or read anything you find on Unschooling or alternative parenting and notice the trend of sensationalizing. How can you work with and embrace the reality that Unschooling in the news is promoted for ratings and not truth? How can you use the media to help promote your message despite their agenda?
Did you enjoy advocating through video? What would you like to work on now that you’ve seen yourself with a critical eye. What did you find rewarding about the process?
This week learn how to reach out to TV Networks and individual television shows and tell them about who you are and what you advocate. Learn how to sell your human interest story and how to get through the stress of filming. Learn how to interact with producers and what to say and what NOT to say in the presence of video cameras and microphones.
Month Four
Advocacy Through Blogging, Writing and Authoring
Blogging is a powerful tool for advocacy and it can also be profitable!
Add photos and descriptions to your first or your newest blog entry about your life. Experience the emotions and fears surrounding “coming out” as an Advocate!
Learn the secrets to using Newspapers to promote your services as an educator
Learn the skills necessary for writing your first book. Write a book that spreads your message, inspires action, and impacts thousands of lives.

Month Five
Publishing & Building Community
Self publish or find a publisher?
Gain insight into the process of self-publishing
How to work with a publisher successfully to create a win/win dynamic
What defines true success in publishing?
Learn how to support yourself as full-time writer
You might be surprised to learn that this is often easier without a publisher
Why starting your own group on Facebook can bring the perfect audience right to you
You will learn how to create trust through volunteering your time answering questions - even if you source out the answers.
Month Six
Promotion & Education
I will share how my most shocking social media posts brought me to the forefront of the Unschooling movement. Learn bravery to live out loud and how to cope with the many emotionally triggering aspects of negative feedback through doing so. You will gain insight into the minds of those we trigger most and how having compassion, instead of reactiveness will lead to self-love and respect for others opinions
Over the years I’ve received more negative than I thought I was capable of handling, but I’ve done so in a way that became easier over time.
A large aspect of my personal work is to educate and support other parents to become leaders and voices in their communities. Learn how to encourage others to assist you in your personal mission. Learn how to ask for help in a culture that raised you to be a martyr. You will learn how to delegate tasks to others wanting to help you so you can focus on the heart of your advocacy mission. Cultivate the skills to be a mentor to others.
There is a glamorous and exciting side of being an inspirational speaker. Over the years, I’ve been flown first-class, given the presidential suite, dined with political and royal leaders of countries, and I have even been given a body-guard. Gaining fame and notoriety has many upsides. Learn how it all happened for me and how you can embrace fame, travel the world and charge a substantial fee to speak at events worldwide.

Month Seven
Compassion, Education and Expansion
There are hundreds of parenting conferences all over the world every year. Learn the secrets of being asked to speak. Learn how to get on the speaker-list of an event. Learn good conference etiquette and what NOT to do when contacting event organizers.
Being a Radical Unschooling advocate is edgy. I have never walked a line of imitation and have carved my own way by proudly being my weird and wild self! It is tempting to try and fit into some kind of mold of what being a speaker and renown voice might look like to you - but DON’T! Never change to try and advocate like someone else because it is a death sentence! BE yourself proudly
Being asked to be interviewed is one of the most common experiences an advocate has on this path to notoriety. Learn the tools necessary to present yourself as an expert with confidence. How to properly promote yourself through the people and organizations interviewing you. It's essential to let go of any control once you are finished. Learn to embrace the negative with the positive after an interview is released.
You’ve been asked to be on Jerry Springer to present Unschooling! What to expect through these crazy advocacy experiences and why saying “YES!!” to each and every opportunity will lead you exactly where you want to be. Learn why saying YES is always the answer.
There is a lot to learn before taking on a program that likes to sensationalize your life and what you do. Learn how to cope with slanted programs just looking for ratings and how YOU can use THEM to promote your message!
Month Eight
Interviews & Finding Balance
Learn about transcriptions as a means to present written interviews to those who request them. Saying yes to any and all opportunities may be hard to accomplish time-wise. Gain tools to turn video interviews into written ones and how you CAN do it all despite the time it all requires to get it done. Experience the ways in which you can “bend time” and always have time for any and all things that you want to do in your life, in both parenting and advocacy.
You may ask how I get everything done that I want to. This week I will teach you my secrets of creating balance in my life, despite my compulsive and sometimes unrelenting drive to achieve perfection in all that I do. Balance is about letting go of unrealistic expectations and instead accepting the energy of co-creation and the help of others in achieving all that you want to in your life as a parent, an advocate, a creative and a perfectionist.
Living with perfectionism and accepting the less-than-perfect outcomes of your efforts are all part of success. Understanding and being aware of who you truly are, is so essential on the path to personal growth. This week you will gain the skills to OWN your strengths and your weaknesses! We will practice speaking the truth of our capabilities - good and bad and in turn open the opportunities for real change in ourselves and our lives.
This week you will partner up with another student and learn from one another. You will practice taking turns at being the mentor and the protege and teach one another skills that you excel at, expanding on both of your strengths as a goal. Being honest about what we need help with is hard, but this is where you really expand your expertise! You will grow enormously through these exercises this week and learn how to ask for help to be a forever student of life.

Month Nine
Self-Awareness Skills & Creativity
It is only through kindness and giving of oneself that we expand on our journey as advocates. This week you will create and record yourself doing a radical act of kindness in public. Pushing through uncomfortable feelings of being seen is so important when being an advocate or coach.
Through this exercise you will learn a unique process of kindness that is rewarding for the giver and the receiver. It is also an incredible way to gain understanding that MOST of your work as an advocate and coach has unseen results by you - the giver. You will learn how to feel the difference you are making in the world without hearing feedback or gratitude for your effort.
In this session you will learn how powerful art and creativity can be on this path to becoming the fullest version of yourself. Choose the medium that you are most drawn to this week, such as clay, pastels, painting or another creative form for you to demonstrate in one artistic representation of Who You Are as an advocate for children, freedom and peace in this world. Share your art on social media as a means to share about this new chapter of your life unfolding and how deeply it touches the core of your being.
This week we will not only share our advocacy art with one another, we will share how it was received on our social media and what it brought to us as a result of being vulnerable and sharing. Did we attract positive or negative for sharing about our call to advocacy?
Music is a powerful form of communication. It can make us feel so deeply. This week choose a song that best represents your feelings as an advocate and aspiring coach. This can be a song from your childhood, teen years or at this time in your life. Maybe the words speak your truth in some way that you love and want to share. Choose the song that best communicates through the words or energy, who you want to be as a powerful force in this world. Dayna will share songs that have helped her in her life’s journey as an advocate, parent and woman.
Month Ten
Self-Promotion, Marketing & Continuing Education
Share the song that best shares why you are desiring to live the life of an advocate. Close your eyes while listening to the songs that others share in class and then offer your input as to how the song made you personally feel while listening. Learn why music and art are an important aspect of you reaching your fullest potential.
How to promote yourself as an advocate by bravely sharing your beliefs without fear.

Month Eleven
Fine Tuning Your Purpose
Recommended Reading List for Dayna Martin’s Professional Advocate and Parenting Coach Program. You may also include books that you have read that aided and inspired you on your own educational path to leadership as an advocate and coach.
Readers Choice - read 4-6 books from recommended reading list and share what you gained from each
Month Twelve
Your New Life as an Advocate and Coach Alongside Dayna Martin
This week we will share with one another what we loved most about the books we read. How did we grow and expand as women and as advocates during this time of continued education and growth? Which author did we gain the most from?
How will we continue to learn on this journey? What will we commit to for the sake of becoming the best we can be fulfilling our purpose?
This week we prepare for your real-life support of others!
This week you will offer your services to 2-3 different people. It can be coaching, mentoring, speaking, or organizing a support meeting with three people in attendance. When you are finished working with them, create a video sharing your experience and fulfilment. Also share your fears and struggles
You’ve made it through Dayna Martin’s Professional Advocate and Coaching Program! What was the most difficult part for you? What do you need more work on? What surprised you? What empowered you? This week you’ll share the emotional journey of working through the program. Healing and personal growth are never easy, but you did it. YOU have begun the exciting career of being a professional advocate with Dayna as your mentor!
Dayna hosts conferences from time to time. YOU will have an opportunity to speak and share about your journey to becoming an advocate and what it has been like supporting others to a life of freedom and peace with their children. Two graduating advocates will be chosen to work with Dayna on her team for a year!
Your opportunities are endless now that you have learned all that you have. Congrats on completing the program and for wanting to make a difference in the world!

"I’ve Been Invited To Speak at Several Conferences..."
"Hiring Dayna as my mentor was one of the best decisions that I could have ever made for my career. I’ve learned so much from her and she was by my side as I became more public about my beliefs as a parent.
I’ve been invited to speak at several conferences and have been part of organizing a few others. The skills that I have gained in my life through working with Dayna have made me not only a better advocate, but a better parent as well.
If you think you are too shy to take a step like this, please reconsider what you are capable of, because with Dayna as your mentor, you will accomplish more than you ever knew possible!"
- Christina Cretella
Are You Ready To Get Started?
I was once in the exact place that you are now, making a decision on whether to invest in my future or to continue living life as I had been. I decided to take a risk and invest in my personal evolution to better myself and create a lasting and fulfilling career.
I have worked for two decades to learn all of the ways in which I am most impactful and rewarded in this life through advocacy work. I’ve spent years learning how to make a living while helping others and I want to share it with you!
To Join This Program It Would Normally Be an Investment of:
For early-bird registrants, you'll get 12 months of this life-changing program
for only a small investment of...
(or 12 monthly payments of $297 plus $37 initial registration fee)
Note: You'll save $604 if you choose the one-off investment up front
There are only three steps you need to take to join the program...
Book a free 15-minute call via the calendar at the most convenient day and time that fits your schedule
During the call, Dayna Martin will have a chat with you to determine your big WHY, and if you'll be a good fit for the program
If you are accepted into the program, you'll be invited to enroll and get started when it begins
"Dayna Has Helped Me To Rediscover Who I Am..."
"Since discovering Dayna's work, I have dreamed of working for her and learning more about radical unschooling, peaceful parenting and today that dream is my reality. Dayna's mentoring, guidance and peaceful approach to life has facilitated me to step up into being a single parent and strengthened my own journey of de-schooling myself.
Having Dayna in my life has bought a sense of peace, passion and patience into my daily living which I have always wanted to feel.
As a soul destiny coach and psychic medium, my work with clients requires me to embody a state of peace and receptivity in order to provide the light they are searching for.
Parenting solo has bought a whole new edge to my life and my work and Dayna has helped me to rediscover who I am now as a parent, an advocate and creative ways to build domestic peace for my daughter and I as a family together. We are forever grateful to Dayna for being in our lives and guiding us through this journey to become better and stronger each and every day. We love you Dayna, keep shining and being you!"
- Deborah & Sage, Conscious Living Collective
Frequently Asked Questions
I was too! I still am, actually, but now I have important things to say to help shift humanity, so I do it anyway. Professional speakers deal with the same negative emotions and fears that you feel, they just have gained tools and tricks to deal with it and work through it.
You will learn these tips and tricks as part of the program to help you gain the confidence to work with your fears, instead of having them inhibit you from chasing your dreams.
Also, you don’t have to speak at events and conferences to be an advocate. If it isn’t something you think you’d enjoy don’t worry! You can choose whatever path of advocacy you’d like. This is why I will be educating you about the many different avenues of advocacy. My program will give you all of the support, information and tools you need to discover what YOU as an individual excel at and enjoy!
Becoming a professional advocate and coach is a parent-sized career. I always include my family in my speaking trips and travel excursions. I always shared with those who asked her to speak that I was a “package-deal” and included any of my kids who wanted to come on a trip with me to be able to.
Combining being a mother with living my purpose to help others live in freedom and peace was something I never wavered from. I knew that my career was never an either/or dichotomy and making a living while caring for my children was always something I balanced. I’m certain that you will be able to also, when you learn how.
“When we are truly in alignment with our purpose, we are always provided for. The means for us to live our dreams is always found.”
This is one of my mantras that I have always carried with me over the last two decades. When I wanted to become a childbirth teacher, I found the means by selling my used books online to cover the cost of the program. I had yard sales and reached out to family and friends asking if they had anything I could do for them to earn the money. It all worked out and everything in my life always has in this way.
It will for you too, when you have the faith and confidence to simply ASK! Ask the Universe for what you want. Ask friends and family to support you in the decision. Ask your partner and children to be by your side to help you achieve your dreams.
A way is always found!
It does take a certain level of bravery to live out loud. Preparing yourself for criticism and judgement is part of the package when you decide to step into this life. However, you have something you have never had before... When you join my program you have ME! You have the utmost support and you will learn how to handle the criticism with grace, respect and dignity.
You will learn the tools necessary to be able to let go of fear surrounding living your purpose. You will learn all of this as part of the program because it is essential in order to live out loud with what you advocate and support others with.
You’ve got all you need to handle whatever will come your way through this year-long training.
I never would have guessed that I could have made the impact that I have on the course of human history, but I have! There has never been a time where you were more needed than you are today. Your voice is important and powerful and you will be working with the strongest force in humankind - LOVE!
Bringing more peace and freedom to the lives of others is something you are meant to do. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be here reading this right now. You wouldn’t be contemplating stepping into the space of a new career to help cultivate your purpose.
I never knew that I’d be traveling the world - from Australia to China, to India, to Mexico and beyond, but that is how deeply needed I am to the course of human evolution through speaking about the rights and respect that all children deserve. This is a huge deal. YOU are incredibly valuable and you deserve to live your dreams through this incredible opportunity to work with me one on one with me supporting, encouraging and coaching you along your journey. You will never be alone through any of this.
You are important and the world NEEDS you! Let go of fear and focus on what you want and the means, time and everything else you need to step into this new phase of your life will be created for you. Trust what you are called to do and let go of the doubt, fear and insecurity. I believe in you - it’s time to own your purpose and step into this new opportunity. You have everything it takes and all that you need to be a huge success! I believe in you!