December 5


Parenting Partnerships by Dayna Martin – Convergence FUNL 2 Conference – September, 2022

Hello, everyone. My name is Dayna Martin, and it’s an honor to be part of this Freedom Under Natural Law convergence. Today, I’m excited to share my thoughts on two radically different parenting paradigms: the authoritarian paradigm and the partnership-based paradigm.

I’m an author and speaker, but more importantly, I’ve raised four incredible kids within a partnership-based paradigm. My children have never attended school, done formal schoolwork, or followed a curriculum. We live what’s called radical unschooling—a way of life where school, as most people know it, simply doesn’t exist. For some, this concept might sound extreme, but I think this audience is uniquely positioned to appreciate the value of freedom and connection in learning.

Parenting Paradigms: Authoritarian vs. Partnership

The majority of parenting advice and resources out there focus on compliance, obedience, and meeting the parent’s needs. Think of mainstream parenting shows like Nanny 911—all about controlling children’s behavior through behavior modification techniques. But what if parenting didn’t have to look like that?

When I became a mother 23 years ago, I didn’t set out to parent differently. It happened naturally. Holding my newborn son, Devon, after a life-changing natural birth with a midwife, I felt a profound shift within me. I realized that parenting could be intuitive, rooted in trust and connection. My journey into unschooling and attachment parenting began there.

A Transformative Moment

Shortly after Devon’s birth, while I was still in the hospital, the Columbine school shooting unfolded live on television. Nurses rushed into my room, turned on the news, and chaos filled the screen—children jumping out of windows, parents sobbing, lives shattered. I sat there, holding my newborn son, overwhelmed by the contrast of new life in my arms and the heartbreak of those parents losing their children.

That moment changed me. I asked myself: How many of those children and parents wished they didn’t have to be at school that day? I decided that my children would always have the choice to attend school—or not. It wasn’t about fear of violence but a deeper understanding of children’s rights and freedom. I wanted them to grow up knowing they had agency over their education and lives.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

I’ve since spent two decades advocating for radical unschooling, speaking worldwide, and debating on national television. Parenting this way is seen as controversial because it disrupts the norm. But I can tell you firsthand: living in a partnership-based paradigm fosters trust, respect, and deep connection.

In this approach, there’s no punishment, no behavior modification, and no authoritarian control. Instead, we focus on the needs beneath behavior. For example, when one of my children acted out, I didn’t try to “fix” their behavior. I asked myself: What do they need? Meeting those needs built trust, reduced conflict, and fostered cooperation.

What is Radical Unschooling?

Radical unschooling isn’t about neglect or permissiveness. It’s about being deeply present and engaged in your child’s life. My role as a parent is to facilitate learning by bringing resources into my children’s lives that align with their interests and passions.

For example, when Devon was fascinated by fire, I didn’t forbid it out of fear. Instead, I supervised him and taught him how to light matches safely. That passion eventually led to him becoming a blacksmith and teaching others fire spinning. Radical unschooling is about trusting children’s innate curiosity and guiding them safely as they explore the world.

We don’t break life into “subjects” like schools do. But if you were to analyze my children’s lives, you’d see that every interest they’ve pursued touches on traditional subjects—math, science, history, language arts. The difference is that their learning is driven by intrinsic motivation, not external coercion.

Freedom Without Control

People often worry that giving children freedom means chaos. But true freedom fosters balance. My kids have always had autonomy over their diets, media consumption, and bedtimes. Because I’ve built a relationship of trust, they make choices that align with their well-being.

For example, when my daughter Ivy was nine, we watched a documentary on high-fructose corn syrup. From that day on, she chose to read labels and avoid it—not because I forced her to, but because she trusted the information I shared. When freedom is paired with connection, children naturally find balance.

Unlearning Our Conditioning

One of the biggest challenges for parents is de-schooling—unlearning the conditioning that tells us children need to be controlled and learning must follow a specific formula. Most of us grew up in the authoritarian paradigm, where we were taught to comply, perform, and seek approval. Breaking free from that mindset takes courage and self-reflection.

But here’s what I know: forced learning isn’t true learning. It’s memorization for compliance. My children, raised without coercion, have learned more deeply and joyfully than I ever did in school. They are creative, self-motivated, and thriving in their chosen paths.

The Gift of Partnership Parenting

Parenting in partnership is about prioritizing connection over control. It’s about raising children who respect others because they’ve been respected, not because they fear punishment. It’s about fostering autonomy, critical thinking, and a love for life.

When I reflect on this journey, I know I’ll never regret choosing this path. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s been worth it. My children don’t look at the clock, waiting for life to be over. They live with joy, passion, and purpose.

Final Thoughts

Radical unschooling and peaceful parenting are revolutionary approaches rooted in natural law. They honor the freedom, autonomy, and individuality of each child. While this is just the tip of the iceberg, I hope it inspires you to question conventional paradigms and explore alternatives.

If you’d like to learn more, I’d love to support you through coaching or provide additional resources. Thank you for opening your mind and heart to this way of parenting. It’s been an honor to share this with you.

Have a beautiful night.



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