December 5


Introducing Dayna Martin, Peaceful Parenting Advocate – Anarchapulco – February, 2018

Here we are, on my last day in what I can only describe as paradise. The setting, the people—it’s been incredible. But today, I have the honor of speaking with someone truly special, someone who takes parenting to a whole new level. Please welcome Dayna Martin!

Thank you so much. It’s great to be here.

Dayna, you are known for advocating a radically different approach to parenting. Tell us more about what you do.

I’m an author and advocate for Radical Unschooling, which is also known as Peaceful Parenting. I educate and support parents in transitioning to a parenting model that focuses on meeting the needs of everyone in the family equally.

This approach moves away from the traditional authoritarian paradigm of control, punishment, and behavior modification. Instead, it embraces a respectful, just, and freedom-based way of living with children.

That’s amazing. I’ve attended some of your talks here, and while I haven’t read your books yet, I’m intrigued by your message. Can you share a bit about your personal journey and what people can learn from you on platforms like YouTube and beyond?

Of course. I have four children—currently 10, 13, 16, and 18 years old. They’ve never been to school, never been forced to follow a curriculum, and never been punished. We practice unschooling, which means we facilitate their education based on their interests.

Unschooling is not about neglect or permissiveness; it’s about respecting a child’s natural drive to learn and grow. My children have never been grounded or had their belongings taken away, yet they are kind, loving, and compassionate people. You don’t need to rule with power or control to raise good humans. My mission is to show people that there’s another way—a more intuitive and respectful way to parent.

That’s incredible. Let me dive straight into something I’m sure many parents wonder about. How do we, as parents who may not have raised our children this way from the start, transition to the kind of model you’re advocating?

That’s a great question. The first step is to release the idea that you can control your child into becoming something they’re not. So much of traditional parenting is about molding children to fit a predefined ideal.

When you start supporting your children’s natural interests and giving them freedom in areas that typically cause fear—like screen time or food—you begin to see balance emerge. Many parents are afraid that without control, children will overindulge in these areas. But in reality, it’s the control itself that creates the dysfunction.

When something is restricted, children focus on it obsessively because their autonomy is being taken away. Freedom allows them to make good decisions and find balance naturally. This shift can feel uncomfortable at first because it challenges everything we were taught about parenting, but the results speak for themselves.

That makes a lot of sense, but I imagine it’s not always easy to confront our own upbringing. Hearing you speak brought up a lot of emotions for me—memories of my own authoritarian childhood and moments where I’ve repeated those patterns with my kids. How do you help parents process those feelings?

It’s deeply emotional work, and many people cry when they hear about this approach. Traditional parenting methods—while normalized—are often inherently abusive. They shut us down emotionally as children, leaving scars we carry into adulthood.

Living this way helps you heal from your own upbringing. It’s not about blaming your parents—they did the best they could with the knowledge they had. But we know better now, and we can do better for our kids. My role is to help parents learn these new ways of connecting and to give them tools to move forward with compassion and understanding.

That’s beautiful. Where can people learn more about your work?

I have a website:, and my YouTube channel is called The Sparkling Martins. On there, you’ll find interviews, videos about our daily lives, and TV appearances where I share more about unschooling and peaceful parenting.

That’s fantastic. I know you’ll also be joining the Steemit platform soon.

Yes! After this event at Anarchapulco, I can’t wait to join Steemit. It’s such a great space for sharing and connecting with others.

We’re so excited to have you there. For everyone watching, make sure to check out Dayna’s website, her YouTube channel, and keep an eye out for her posts on Steemit. Let’s give her a warm welcome to the platform. Thank you so much, Dayna, for sharing your wisdom and inspiring us all.

Thank you for having me. It’s been an honor to share this space with you.

Don’t forget to upvote this post, everyone. Let’s spread Dayna’s message far and wide!



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